Nintendo DS : Opera Web Browser

News: Opera DS Web Browser Website

Yes, the Web Browser's own website is now live and in brilliant Japanese.

UPDATE: Opera has added a DS Web Browser page to their official website's "Opera for Devices" section that goes into detail on the portable browser's functionality. Tantalizingly, a thus-far inactive link to the future Wii Web Browser is also prominently displayed. You can surf over there by clicking here.

Japan will soon be getting a powerful web browsing application for their beloved DS. Until then they (and you, if you know Japanese) can now browse over to the Nintendo DS Browser website. Links on the site describe the browser's interface, which is based on Opera's excellent mobile technology. You can access the site here. Even if you don't follow Japanese, pictures effectively illustrate the functionality. Recent hands-on impressions have certainly been extremely positive.

This intriguing application is due for release in Japan this July 24th. Elsewhere, well, we await official word. Stay tuned.

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