News: Original Game Downloads Coming Soon

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With Microsoft's Xbox Live service and Sony's PSN both offering original games as downloadable content, it has long been speculated to as to when Nintendo would offer such a service.

It looks like things are really starting to happen, according to System 3 CEO Mark Cale, who recently spoke about what he knew of company's plans. System 3 themselves are (as you may already know) planning on releasing the new 3D download of old C64 title Impossible Mission on the Wii Shopping Channel, but have also announced one more title, an update of the Megadrive classic California Games.

So when can we expect to see these titles? Cale said he expected Nintendo to roll out their indie games strategy within the next few months. Interestingly however, he did cover his back by saying that both products would be both available as downloads and as boxed retail products.

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