News: Other M For September Release

Posted 08 Jul 2010 at 04:38 by Tom Phillips
Nintendo narrows the rather vague "Q3" release date!

While Samus Aran is set to storm onto the Wii once again this year, Nintendo have been keeping quiet about exactly when she'd be making her latest appearance - in sidescrolling 3D adventure title Metroid: Other M.
While we were left with a frustratingly vague "Quarter 3" release window, MCV have confirmed that UK gamers (and thus likely the whole of Europe) will only be waiting until September.
North American gamers will see the game on August 31st - it seems us here in Europe won't have to wait too much longer!
Update: CVG this morning reports that Nintendo have confirmed the UK date for Metroid: Other M to be September 3rd - just three days after the game launches in America.