News: Pandora Won't Be Here Tomorrow

Posted 04 Feb 2004 at 18:38 by guest
Ubisoft have announced some bad news for GameCube-owning Splinter Cell fans, as it seems the sequel to the highly-rated sneak-'em-up won't be landing on a GameCube anytime soon. Click on.
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, Ubisoft's highly-anticipated sequel to their critically acclaimed stealth-filled action title Splinter Cell, will be landing down on European shores in March- but only on the Xbox, Game Boy Advance and PC platforms. Today, the company revealed that their development teams working on the project want more time to work on the PlayStation and GameCube iterations of the title. Unfortunately, this means there is no specified date for the release of the game on the aforementioned consoles- which is bad news indeed.
However, it's not all bad news- this means the GameCube version will be tuned "to the max"- and we can look forward to a highly-enjoyable experience. To heighten your anticipation- Ubisoft have released a new trailer- which shows off the frankly stunning online multiplayer mode. Click here to watch it!