News: Pedro Sanudo Moves To EA

Pedro Sanudo, formerly of Nintendo of Europe is now working for EA!

Before you say "Who?", I want you to think for a moment; Have you clicked onto Nintendo of Europes' website in the past? Or maybe you've gone for a sneaky peek at the Stars Catalogue? Or entered the VIP area?

If you have, then you've used something developed by Pedro Sanudo, former Direct Marketing Manager of Nintendo Europe, now of EA. Mr Senudo has moved on to EA to work as Customer Relationship Manager Consultant. Whatever that means.

No particular reason has been given for his departure, but we would surmise that Mr Senudo has moved on in order that the "Giant Steppin'" Reggie Fils-Aime of Nintendo America might have an office in which to store his enormous shoes. We'll keep you posted for any more developments.

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