News: Peter MacDougall speaks

Peter MacDougall, Peter Mains replacement for Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Nintendo of America talks about current state of the GameCube and the Game Boy Advance.

Peter MacDougall on the apparent game drought for US Gamecube owners

"There is already an ample supply of games for every game taste--more than 30 on the market already, 50 by the end of June, and more than 100 by year end. "By comparison, we had 10 games available for Nintendo 64 at this point in the system's life cycle. The market has never run on who has the most games people don't want to buy, but who has the most they really want."

Peter MacDougall on PS2 and XBoxs situation
"It was not a surprise that all the hardware manufacturers did well in the US this past holiday season. Our industry is very hot right now. But we don't know exactly what Microsoft has sold worldwide. What is their sell-through to date in Europe and Japan? In any case, they are apparently in a battle with Sony to control the transmission of data into, through, and out of the home. We're a little more down to earth--we just want to continue making great games."

Peter MacDougall on Nintendos strict policy with the media
"Our relationships with the media are very important. However, we are very protective of our intellectual properties and have procedures in place to ensure security. Nintendo and other entertainment companies lose billions of dollars each year to piracy. We recognize there are ways to improve media access to early game code and are working on systems to better suit reporters' needs."

Peter MacDougall on claims that taking Japanese-style games over to America too are desperate attempts to get as many games on store shelves as possible
"Similar conjecture was voiced when we released Pokémon in the United States, and that seemed to do all right. We understand that some observers are challenged by new concepts, anything that deviates from the norm, but that won't deter our quest for innovation."

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