News: Petition For UK Gaming Tax Cuts

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A popular petition on the governmental website is gaining strength, as people are petitioning for tax cuts to help indie gamers, who have decreased from 400 in 2001 to just 150 today. In the words of the petition:

"We are looking on in horror as flagship UK company Eidos who created the iconic Lara Croft, is facing problems of competing in a global environment.
We need the same to support UK talent in this industry that is expected to grow phenomenally in the next 3 years, but with rising costs in development more staff are required and it is increasingly less attractive to fund these larger projects here, and almost impossible for independent studios to start production.

If you would like to sign the petition, it's on the 10 Downing Street website here.

Thanks to N-E reader Chris Morgan for the heads-up on this!

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