News: Photo Printing Channel Launches In Japan

Nintendo unleash a surprise new Wii Channel on to an unsuspecting Japanese audience.

Just like Hobbits, Nintendo are full of surprises. Whilst we didn't get too many at E3, it looks like the Big N have been holding some back, including the release of a brand new and unexpected Wii Channel in Japan.

Entitled the Wii Digital Camera Print Channel, this new service can be downloaded for free from the Japanese Wii Shop Channel following a Wii system update. The Channel allows photographs saved to SD cards to be printed and delivered to you by Fuji Film, in a collaboration with Nintendo.

Single photo prints cost �30 each, and special Wii Photo Books can be purchased at varying sizes, with costs ranging from �1575 to �2480.

The new Wii Channel also offers a Wii business card service! Six Nintendo-themed templates are available, and can be customised with real photographs or Mii faces. The usual personal details such as names, addresses and even Wii friend codes can also be added to the business cards, which will cost �500 for a set of 30.

Shipping will cost �500 for express delivery and �300 for standard.

We know what you're thinking. There's absolutely no chance of this Channel heading to America and Europe. Well, Nintendo of Japan seem to think otherwise, as their website claims that there are plans for a worldwide release. This is backed up by the currently useless Wii system update available now in the US and Europe, which Nintendo of America say is for a service currently available only in Japan.

It looks like we'll be seeing this Wii Channel very soon, so let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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