News: Pikmin 2 Famitsu Reviews

Famitsu have gotten their hands on Pikmin 2 and they seem to have enjoyed it.

Famitsu have four different reviewers who give the game a mark out of ten. The marks are then added up, forming a mark out of fourty, and that is the game's final score. The reviews can be found below.

A big thanks to Sasimirobot of GAF for the translation.

(1) Bakataru Kato

"The day timer of the Pikmin-1 is gone. Now you can take your time and relax with any amount of time, even if you are only a "weekend gamer". The purple and white Pikmin are interesting to use in the underground dungeons, those battles are faster and more exciting than Pikmin-1. But I wish there were more options available for vs. battles to make if more fun."

Score: 9

(2) Kyashi Arashiyama

"Compared to Pikmin-1 the pace has been softened (ie. no timer). Because of this the game field feels like it has been expanded.This version has you spliting up your pikmin in a more efficient manner, and making them doing many different jobs at the same time (more multi-tasking). The underground world has alot of exploration that helps the battle vs. mode have a long replay value."

Score: 9

(3) Yoshike Maria

"The methods to defeat enemies and clear barriers has been increased, making the game more enjoyable. Also 2 player vs. mode is fast , furious and exciting. The course are abundant but it would be even more fun if more rules were available (there is only 1 rule option). "

Score: 9

(4) Daida Kaigawa

"Pikmin 2 has the same appearance and atmosphere as the last one, also a heartwarming story and touch. It is great in the fact that you will become gradually exposed to the wonder and mystery of the world. It feels like taking a walk with a group of pre-schoolers though a dangerous forest."

Score: 9

Two new pikmin colors and abilities used to collect treasure.
Purple Pikmin are heavy and strong. White Pikmin are poisonous.
2 player game has vs. and co-opt play.

Famitsu Gives Pikmin 2
9, 9, 9, 9

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