News: Pilotwings Soaring Onto VC

Posted 18 Aug 2009 at 05:46 by Aaron Clegg
Aeroplanes, plumbers and monkeys are the order of the day this Friday...
Nintendo's downloadable games services are seeming to get something of a reinvigoration in recent times. With the awesome Flipnote Studio releasing for DSi last Friday, we can also reveal another DSi title headed for availability this week, as well as a fan-favourite classic ready to take off on Virtual Console.
By the end of the week, DSi users will be able to download the third installment in the Mario Vs Donkey Kong series. Subtitled Minis March Again, the game focusses prominently on level creation, giving players the freedom to make their own stages and set their own traps. Users can then share their creations over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
Wii owners shouldn't feel so left out though, as this day sees the SNES classic Pilotwings finally hitting Virtual Console. The flight game has players taking control of a wide range of aerial contraptions in order to perform various tricks.
Both games will be ready for download this Friday for the price of 800 Nintendo Points.
Thanks to Hero-of-Time for the heads-up!