News: Play Guitar With Your DS!

It isn't quite Guitar Hero, but it could be the next best thing. Head inside to check it out.

If someone were to tell you about playing guitar using the Nintendo DS, you'd probably think that the person was a bit...insane.

However, it is very much a reality. Plato's Hiite Utaeru DS Guitar M-06 for DS is promising just that: to allow gamers to play the guitar using the DS.

The New York Import-Games Retailer NCSX has reported on their blog exactly how this works: "On the touch screen, a thick crop of vertical lines represent the guitar string. It's pasted against a black background so that the focus is the line itself. To play, strum the line with your touch pen or finger and you'll hear a twang. Change chords with the D-pad by moving it in the direction of the chords shown on the top screen and the tone of the twang changes every time you move the D-pad to another chord."

Users are also able to play from 16 chords available chords at one time, from a library of 120. The software also includes includes a library of 20 songs and a listening-then-repeating exercise.

This is definitely one to look out for, especially for all you game-playing-musicians out there. We'll bring you more on this in the future.

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