News: Pokémon Black And White Dated

Posted 28 May 2010 at 15:02 by Stephen Thomson
Good news Pokéfans! Want to know when you can get your hands on the next gen? Read for more details!
With news slowly getting revealed via the Pokémon show in Japan and magazine CoroCoro, Nintendo have finally revealed just when the world can get their Pokécatching hands on the next iteration, including the legendary Pokémon that will grace the box arts!
Pokémon Black and White will get a release this September over in Japan, with an American and European release in Spring 2011. The Pokémon Black cover will feature the legendary Pokémon Reshiram, with Pokémon White having the mighty Zekrom. Both of which will play an important part in the plot. Want to see these legendary beasts? Then look just below...

Will you be jumping into the next gen? Let us know below!