News: Pokémon Black & White Starters Leaked!

Posted 12 May 2010 at 09:16 by Tom Phillips
Check out the trio of starter Pokémon plus the main characters of Pokémon Black & White!
Revealed in the upcoming issue of CoroCoro Magazine but already leaked to the web, Pokémon site has the scoop on these three new critters:

Their names are still unconfirmed, but apparently are Tsutaja, Pokabu and Mijumaru. The two new titles will be set in the new region of Isshu, and will feature older protagonists than in previous games.
The new critters join the first pair of fifth-generation Pokémon to be revealed back in February, while last month we got a glimpse of the games in action.
We'll be updating this post as more news leaks. Stick with N-Europe for the latest!