News: Pokemon Channel Pictures
Posted 04 Jul 2003 at 11:33 by Ashley Jones
On the official Pokemon Japan website there are new pictures of the game Pokemon Channel: Together With Pikachu. In the game you and your Pokemon must run a television channel, recruiting new shows hosted by Pokemon and more. Pictures can be found below. Pictures are hosted by Pokemon Japan and translations by Serebii

One of the programs you can attain is a brand new episode of the Pichu Brothers

You can get 'Nice Cards' which contain Pokemon in 3D and also their cries

The slighly mad Pokemon Psyduck hosts the PNN news

Slowpoke will tell you all the weather news you need to know

You can use this Pokemon's tail to paint in pictures, such as the one seen above

Baby Pokemon Smoochum keeps you fit with her exercise program!

Wobbuffet hosts a quiz show to stimulate your mind
Some more pictures from the game's free roaming option have been released as well, you can see them below.