News: Pokemon Colloseum Scheduled for Europe

Posted 05 Mar 2004 at 15:31 by guest
On 14th May 2004, Pokémon Colosseum comes to Nintendo GameCube in the first ever 3D role-playing game adventure in the legendary franchise. With the total number of Pokémon games sold worldwide exceeding 120million and the hugely successful Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire for Game Boy Advance having sold over 2.4 million in Europe, the Pokémon phenomenon continues. Pokémon Colosseum allows you to explore, train, snag and battle your Pokémon like never before! You can even connect your GBA Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire cartridges and bring your own Pokémon over from these games into Pokémon Colosseum to use them in battles.
Pokémon Colosseum can be played in two modes � Story Mode and Battle Mode. Pokémon Colosseum contains lots of the trademark elements that millions love in the Game Boy Advance games as well as many new elements. Story Mode is a 3D role-playing game, never before experienced in any Pokémon game. Set in a mysterious area far from Hoenn, you can explore with the new lead character and his partner to rescue the "Shadow Pokémon" unseen in Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire. "Shadow Pokémon" are Pokémon whose hearts have been closed to the outside world. Players can unravel the mystery of these "Shadow Pokémon" and try to cure them of their 'darkness' by using them in battles.
In 3D Battle Mode, players battle Pokémon to become legendary fighters within the Colosseum. Pokémon fans can battle against up to four friends in two-player versus two-player combat. In multiplayer battles, one player uses the GameCube controller and additional players are linked to the game via their Game Boy Advance systems and Pokémon Ruby or Pokémon Sapphire game. Connect up your Game Boy Advance consoles via the Nintendo link cable to maximise the multi-player action and take the competition to the next level by inputting your commands in secret into your handheld screen.
All battles commence within the Colosseum arena with battle backdrops ranging from huge industrial stadiums to lush waterfall-filled stages. Pokémon Colosseum contains Pokémon characters from previous titles including everyone's favourites Groudon and Kyogre. So grab your mates and get gaming with Pokémon!
Pokémon Colosseum will be available across Europe from 14th May 2004 for the estimated retail price of around 60 Euros.
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