News: Pokemon Colosseum USA Preorder!

Posted 09 Feb 2004 at 23:04 by Iun Hockley
Nintendo of America have announced a new bonus disc to be available when American gamers preorder Pokemon Colosseum!
It seems that Nintendo have gone pokemon crazy! Following on from the great news that Pokemon Leaf Green and Fire Red managed to sell a million copies in a weekend in Japan, Nintendo of America have announced a great new incentive for gamers preordering Pokemon Colosseum prior to release!
That's right! Gamers preordering the game prior to the games release date in America will receive a free bonus disk with great special features. One of the features mentioned is the ability to download via Gamecube to Game Boy Advance link cable the legendary Pokemon "Jirachi" who awakens once evry 1,000 years to grant wishes!
Also included will be a preview of the new Pokemon movie entitled "Jirachi Wish Maker" and a preview of Colosseum game on the disk.
No news on a similar European sceme, but bearing in mind the recent announcement that there will be a Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Collectors Edition released in Europe -just like in the rest of the world, maybe we can hope to see a similar incentive thrown our way when it's our turn to experience Pokemon fever on our favourite purple cube of joy.