News: Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver Dated

Posted 27 Jun 2009 at 09:48 by Tom Phillips
Japanese dates and prices for the upcoming Poké-remakes and pedometers...
Nintendo have revealed that they won't be charging any more than normal for the upcoming Pokémon Gold & Silver remakes, which are set to feature spanky new graphics and more areas to explore, as well as the packaged-in pedometer peripheral pictured below (try saying that five times as fast).
The device allows gamers to download their favourite monster to carry around with them and level-up, but won't be costing the Japanese gamer any more than normal. The titles will go on sale September 12th for the normal price of 4,800 yen each.

What noise does a Pokémon make when sneezing? PikaCHUUUUU...
No Western release dates have yet been mentioned, but judging from previous experience an early 2010 launch is probably the earliest that could be expected - with hopefully a normal price point intact here too. Would you buy the game and pedometer if it cost more? Let us know below...