News: Pokémon Platinum Revealed For DS

Posted 14 May 2008 at 22:01 by Tom Phillips
The third DS generation Pokémon title is revealed. New Pokémon forms, and possible release date inside...
Top Pokémon site is reporting that Japanese magazine CoroCoro have the scoop on this generation's third Pokémon title. The Pokémon Yellow to this generation's Diamond and Pearl, it will be entitled Pokémon Platinum.
Confirmed so far is that it will feature new forms of currently existing Pokémon, including Giratina (which will almost certainly feature on the title's box), and apparently Regigigas and Shaymin. The title will also likely feature a new battle interface.
It's also rumoured that the Underground section of the world will now be Wi-Fi enabled, and that there will be a new Battle Island, similar to the Battle Frontier of previous titles. The game has an anticipated release date of this Autumn in Japan.
Update: We've got two screenshots to show you, taken off a high-res version of that CoroCoro scan:

More details are expected soon - we'll keep you updated.