News: Pokémon Platinum Sells Almost A Million

Posted 17 Sep 2008 at 10:30 by guest
In only two days, Pokémon Platinum sells nearly a million copies in the land of the rising sun.
Pokémon is a fad right? Well, if it is, it's taking quite a while to die off. Pokémon Platinum, the the third version of the fourth generation of Pokémon games already sold 967,675 copies according to Famitsu. Not bad!
Asides from having the Pokémon Giratina in Origin Form and Shaymin in Sky Form, the game will see the return of Battle Frontier introduced in Emerald and new online additions, including the underground mode and new mini-games.
The story revolves around a disturbance that comes from a portal that links to the "Torn World", a completely new part of the game rendered in 3D that differs completely from the rest of the game.

The infamous Torn World
Pokémon Platinum doesn't have a date for outside Japan yet.