News: Pokémon Wii To Not Use Friend Codes?

UK magazine states that "the UK version of Pokémon will not have the restrictions of the friend code system"

A user over at the IGN forums has noticed some information in the latest edition of N-Gamer magazine regarding the friend codes system for Wii.

According to the magazine, in their Pokémon Battle Revolution preview for Wii: "the UK version of Pokémon will not have the restrictions of the friend code system"

Further more, the IGN user states: The same mag says that Square Enix are in talks with Nintendo regarding online features. Nintendo say that if a game has an adult rating then they will remove the need for friend codes. Being that the rating probably covers them from any problems the codes are there to combat.

Now, we're going to wait for either the next piece of news to "go against" this news, or to support it. For the love of God, Nintendo...say something!

Update! - Have N-Gamer made a mistake?

Falafelkid over at nintendo-revolution.blogspot has contacted the editor of the magazine, and the editor had this to say:

Unfortunately, the curse of the magazine lead time has struck again. Since we wrote this piece -- with the understanding that our information was correct -- Nintendo has seemingly confirmed that Pokémon Battle Revolution *will* use game-specific Friend Codes.

So, after all that, it appears the game will use friend-codes after all. However, this does not answer the question of whether this system will be used for every game, or just this one.

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