Pollen Sonata

News: Pollen Sonata Demo Available

PC Demo shows what you can expect on Wii...

Independent developer title Pollen Sonata was recently announced and has been fast developing a cult following. If you're one of those fans you can now play a PC demo of the game and see what to expect for the Wii.

If you don't know what this game is, your missing out on the hype for a game that is both very odd and innovative at the same time. You play a piece of Pollen gliding through the sky, adjusting it's shape and form depending on the wind conditions as you attempt to pollinate as many plants as possible. The game has been created with a very distinct vision of illustrating the cycle of life and how event he smallest things affect and mould the world we live in.

In other news, they have also released a prototype cover for the Wii version. Check that out below, before clicking here to download the PC prototype!

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