News: Pool Paradise Info and Screens

Posted 05 Mar 2004 at 20:26 by Tim Symons
Today Ignition Entertainment that Jimmy White acted as pool advisor during the development process of Pool Paradise.
The collaboration began with Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker, which was released in 1991. The series went on to sell over three million copies across a variety of formats over the years. Jimmy's involvement with Pool Paradise has seen the 'Whirlwind' help develop what is to be the 'Grande Finale' in the series.
"Over the years I have watched Archer and the team develop increasingly amazing looking games," says Jimmy, "and with Pool Paradise, I think we have created the ultimate ball and cue game � it doesn't get any more realistic. I have been asked to ensure that the game feels right in every respect, from the physics of the balls to the sound of a 'kick' � and the additional opportunity to create tables and rule sets that could never exist in real life makes Pool Paradise an essential game for anyone with even a passing interest in the sport."
Archer Maclean's Pool Paradise is a unique game which offers players an idyllic island populated with a collection of pool-playing characters. The island lives and breathes. The waves lap upon the shore; days turn to night and the indigenous creatures happily flit about their business. Arriving on the island, cue in hand but penniless, players must work their way up through the ranks in order to become the island's top dog. With cash earnt from winning games and placing side bets, players can unlock hidden areas and other extras. Along the way, players can take part in a wide selection of additional mini games and pub sports, purchasing better equipment with which to challenge the tougher opponents.
Pool Paradise requires players to master all standard pool rule sets � UK, US, eight ball and nine ball � alongside some spectacular and challenging new derivations, such as the unique and inventive Switchball. Stunt tables raise the bar significantly further, requiring a real understanding of the angles.
"I'm really enjoying my game at the moment" adds Jimmy, "and working with Archer again has proved a good laugh. Pool Paradise really is the mutt's nuts when it comes to pool games. Me and my kids have seen some of the other games available and Pool Paradise really is the only one worthy of carrying my name."
Archer Maclean's Pool Paradise will be available on PlayStation 2, PC and Game Cube on April 2nd 2004. The game is exclusively endorsed by Jimmy White.