News: Prepare to Cargasm

Posted 09 Aug 2010 at 14:57 by Ashley Jones
Thanks to Candella Software you too can Cargasm just as much as the Top Gear presenters.
It can't be said that Candella Software don't have moxy. They have just announced a new arcade racing title for the Wii, as well as other consoles, called Cargasm. Gamers will be able to enter a range of supercars into races around the world including London, San Francisco, Egypt, Mount Kilimanjaro and many more.
The official press release also boasts that "the central London levels in Cargasm are the most photorealistic in the history of videogames," having used laser scanning to recreate the city to such detail that it is "accurate to within inches," right down to the lampposts!
During races players will be encouraged to go faster by "Cargasm Girls" who will be available as a reward if you go fast enough. If that isn't grinding Greer's gears yet then the names of the collectable trophies sure will; Cargasm Rave, Thrust, Lesbos, Orgy, Gigolo, Lothario, Playboy and the most coveted of all, Cargasm Sultan. It seems safe to say that this is not trying to be Mario Kart.
Social networking will also be a large aspect of the game, with players able to upload scores and statistics to sites such as Facebook. How much this will be used within the Wii version of the game, when typically online is brushed aside in favour of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, remains to be seen.
“Our focus is on pure racing fun rather than simulation.,” says Ajith Ram, Creative Director of Cargasm. “We are expecting gamers to go oooh aahh aahhh……….with gaming ecstasy.”