News: Prime 3 Achievement Points Details

Posted 20 Aug 2007 at 07:58 by Tom Phillips
Hidden content in Corruption to be accessed by awarded tokens and WiiConnect24 "friend vouchers"!
Those who have already managed to play the highly anticipated forthcoming final chapter in the Metroid Prime trilogy have reported the existence of coloured tokens representing Achievement Points, which are awarded during your progress through the game.
Red tokens are awarded for scanning percentages of enemies and items to fill up your log-book, while blue tokens are awarded for completing optional side-missions. Gold tokens are awarded automatically upon the defeat of bosses.
One example of a side-quest was that of saving the lives of a pair of GF troopers. If Samus completes this optional task, a blue token is awarded, as notified by a message popping up at the top of Samus' HUD.
So what can these tokens can be used for? Well, it appears they can be used for unlocking bonus content via an Extras menu, but most intriguingly, they seem to have something to do with a "friends voucher," system, an item which can be sent via WiiConnect24 to buddies in your Wii's address book who are also playing which translates into a green coloured token - unlocking more hidden content for you both. It also looks like you can compare the amounts of tokens you have with your friends, adding a bit of rivalry to the proceedings.
We didn't think we could want this game any more than we already did. But now we do.