News: Prof. Layton & the Spectre's Call Site Open

Posted 23 Aug 2011 at 10:41 by Ashley Jones
Nintendo launches a new website for the impending Professor Layton release.
The release of a new Professor Layton game has become something to look forward to for Nintendo fans. While the series may take its time to make its way to Europe and America it is always worth the wait.
In honour of the upcoming Professor Layton & the Spectre's Call, which was recently given a November release date, Nintendo has launched a brand new website for the game. Spectre's Call, or Last Spectre as it was known in Japan when it was released in 2009, is the fourth title in the series but the first in the new prequel trilogy.
The Japanese release also included Professor Layton's London Life, a 100-hour RPG from Brownie Brown that allowed players to create an avatar that lives in a virtual London. The player receives requests from London residents to do more tasks in order to visit more areas, with guest appearances from characters made popular by the series. It is currently unknown if this will be available in the localised version.
The title will of course feature intrigue, puzzles and gentlemanly ways as the series is known for. At the moment the official website only contains some information and screenshots but expect more content to be added building up to the title's release in November.