News: Professor Layton 5 Revealed

Posted 25 Nov 2009 at 14:43 by Aaron Clegg
Professor Layton and Luke return in a fifth installment of the popular puzzle game...
Here at N-E, we firmly believe that more Layton is always a good thing. So it was with delight to learn that Level-5 are developing a fifth game in the series on Nintendo DS.
Titled Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracles, the game is another prequel, set after the fourth game Professor Layton and the Spectre's Flute, which releases in Japan tomorrow. Little has been revealed about the new game, but you can check out the teaser site here.
Mask of Miracles is due out in Japan next year. If you're interested in something that's available a little closer to home, check out our review for the recently released sequel Professor Layton and Pandora's Box.