News: Professor Layton 6 In Development

Posted 07 Apr 2011 at 09:38 by Ashley Jones
The gentlemanly Professor and his young assistant will be back for a sixth instalment.
Akihiro Hino from Level-5 has confirmed that they are working on a sixth Professor Layton title, which will be the final game in the prequel trilogy. While European fans still have some time to wait, as the last title we received was the third, it is good to see the Japanese developers are working hard on the next title.
The franchise has been incredibly popular since the first title, Professor Layton and the Curious Village, which has sold over one million units since it was released in Japan back in 2007 according to Andriasang. The series has since grown exponentially; with the today's announcement marking the sixth game alongside a film, Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva and the upcoming crossover title Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright.
While Mr. Hino did not announce what console the title will be released on there is a high probability that it will be on the 3DS.