News: Queue record to be broken?

Obsessive queuer Jason Read will attempt to break the record for longest time spent queueing. How? By queueing for Turok Evolution for 50 days!

That's right. If he succeeds then Read, 25, will break the previous record by an incredible 20 days. Turok Evolution hits stores on 6th September and Read will queue from this Thursday until then to get hold of it and break the record. He says:

"I've been a huge fan of the Turok series and was excited to see that a fourth game is being released later in the year. This gave me the perfect excuse to make my record-breaking queuing attempt and I'm fully committed to going all the way."

If any of you live in London, you'll see him at Electronics Boutique, 100 Oxford Street. Be sure to pay him a visit.

Shaun White, PR Manager of Acclaim had this to say:

"When we heard about Jason's attempt to get into the record books by queuing for one of our games, we felt that we had to support him and sincerely hope that by providing him with some of our other games, the next 50 days will fly by."

And support him they will. Acclaim will be paying for a power generator that will supply Read with power for his state of the art tent with a TV and games console.

Good luck Read!

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