News: Raid Over The River DS Info Revealed

The boys from Nibris dish out plot info and time-travel theory as they reveal more about their upcoming vertical shooter for the DS, Raid Over the River.

Polish indie-developers Nibris (developing the gothic horror Sadness for the Wii) also have a DS shooter in the works. The title will be the first in a two-part series of vertical shooters � the second part of which will be a Raid title for the Wii (scheduled to start proper development on Saddness' completion).

Nibris hope Raid will be the vertical shooter that changes the current image of its genre from "meaningless, arcade games which only test the speed of a player's fingers" into something a lot more advanced. For example, the game will have an expansive storyline spanning almost 3000 years, and six dimensions.

When archaeologists reveal an artefact of unknown origin in Peru, it's revealed that the knowledge it carries enables travelling in time. Though if that wasn't unique enough, it is revealed you are also travelling in dimensions. Nibris explain that according to the Deutsch-Everett theory on time-travel, travelling in your own timeline is impossible - its unable to meet a past or future version of yourself. What is possible, however, is to go to a past or future version of Earth in a different dimension and observe how the history of mankind developed there. Thanks to this sensational discovery, TARPA (Temporal Advanced Research Projects Agency) comes to existence. Its task is to investigate different dimensions and prevent any threat that may come from there.

In the game the player plays the character of twenty-nine year old agent Carrie Collins, a pilot in TARPA's air-strike quick-response group, and the action begins when a tunnel opens on Earth from which some scouts from a different dimension emerge. The plot is built upon forces which change timelines of other worlds for unidentified purposes. During missions, gamers will be required to precisely carry out orders, make unexpected alliances, and take choices which will influence the future of their character, as well as the future of all dimensions.

Currently scheduled for a release in the first half of 2007, we've got the first two pieces of character art from the game to check out. First off is the aforementioned Carrie Collins, and secondly is a character currently only known as the "General". Click each image for a larger version:

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