News: Raid Over The River For Revolution?

Newbie developers NIBRIS apparently have a game they want to bring exclusively to the Revolution. Come inside to find out more about "Raid Over The River"!

Raid Over The River is a fast-paced shooter from developers NIBRIS (for screenshots on the title, check the game's site here). According to the game's project manager Piotr Orlowski, NIBRIS want to release the game on Revolution and DS only.

"Only Nintendo platforms [will] get this game," he said, as "Nintendo is our life. We have all of the Nintendo consoles; we are fans."

The developers don't have a Revolution development kit yet, and are working on a version for PC until then, though Orlowski said he had many ideas for the Revolution controller. For him, "idea of the Revolution pad is almost like a beautiful dream."

The developers are still looking for publisher, though are apparently in current contact with several. Apparently, NIBRIS contacted Nintendo of Europe to discuss publishing Raid over the River, but was told that "the game wasn't in [NOE's] target."

We'll have more news for you on this when we get it. Thanks to Axi for the heads-up on this.

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