News: Rainbow Six 3 on Cube

Posted 14 Jan 2004 at 11:02 by Iun Hockley
After what seems the longest time, Ubisoft have finally confirmed that their first person shooter will make its way to the GameCube: Click on!
It's been about a year since we really heard about anything Rainbow Six 3 related -at least as far as the Cube is concerned. I for one could not see it happening on our purple joy-machine. After all, it's perhaps not a game that you would belive would suit the Cubes image.
Happily however, Ubisoft recently confirmed that the game will be making its way to your GameCube sometime later this year. The game is currently in the "planning stages" for the machine so we can perhaps expect a release towards Christmas-time this year.
Rainbow Six 3 is based on the novel "Rainbow Six" by Tom Clancy. It features some Americans with some Brits that have a lot of guns that shoot people. Honestly, you could almost believe that a book like that just demands to be made into a game!