News: Rare Asks What You Want On DS!

Rareware have called for you, the gamer, to tell them what you do and don't want to see on the DS from them! Request a Mr. Pants DS inside!

Rare's website is calling for your imput on what the company's new DS department should make! "Given recent confirmation that Rare will be supporting the Nintendo DS, what projects do you hope or expect to see from us on this system? Is there anything you don't want to see?"

Open until a "hazy point in mid-September", this is your chance to request a Perfect Dark DS, say you'd really like to see a dual-screened incarnation of Battle Toads, or tell the company you don't mind what they make, as long as it doesn't have Slippy Toad in.

Give the company your views via this handy link here!

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