News: Rare keep loyal *UPDATED*

NGC Magazine has sent out the strongest indication yet that Rare are not jumping ship. The popular Uk GameCube magazine let a few things slip in an article published in their latest issue, out today.

The article reads ''One of our most reliable sources in the industry - who has close ties with Rare - says he's certain they're not going anywhere. At E3 he told us he'd been speaking to management at the Twycross funsters and they are becoming frustrated with the rumuors surrounding the company, particularly that they were in discussion with Activision. Another developer told us "I just don't see any reason for them to move. What haven't they got at the moment? They make a lot of money, they're left to get on with their games, they're one of the few Nintendo-affliated companies that Nintendo aren't calling every 2 seconds - and Nintendo put up with there delays. Activision wouldn't put up with Starfox's delay." Fantastic stuff. Let's just hope that NGC are right.

In my mind I could never see Rare developing for other rival platforms, but who would have predicted Sega's multiformat strategy? More news as we get it folks. Thanks for the reminder, Alberto Riol.


Ryan Reynolds has offered his theories to the Rare shennanigans. Here's what he has to say: '' I read your recent post of Cube-Europe about Rare. I just want to offer you a theory I have about Rare. I have my own web site and forums and I have been running a lot of ideas about Rare lately and I am totally convinced that Rare is staying Nintendo exclusive. Let me offer you a theory that needs to be posted on your site..."Of course I have been putting more though into Rare and Nintendo. I am about 85% convinced Rare is not going multiplatform. I have another theory now. You know how Nintendo is keeping all 1st and 2nd party online titles secrets? Well I will bet that Rares "lost titles" are online titles. Now lets think about this seriously. Donkey Kong Racing? Easily an online title. Connect to the server and race against others. Kameo? An online RPG. No doubt that an online adult pokemon type game would appeal to many and basically that is what Kameo is. Perfect Dark 0? Easy again. Online Deathmatches. Its simple really. I have many theories. Now lets hope one of them is right..." Nice views, Ryan.

Anymore thoughts on the Rare situation will be welcomed and posted on the site if they intrigue. Send them into my usual address (click here). Ryan's website is located here if you fancy a look.

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