News: Rare Publish Your DS Suggestions

You suggested the games you wanted Rare to bring to DS, and they've posted some of your emails on their Pantsboard!

When Rare recently revealed it would be working on titles for the DS, they asked for your thoughts on what games you'd like to see them make. Unsuprisingly, Perfect Dark for the DS was top of many people's lists, along with many calls for Banjo, Diddy Kong Racing, Jet Force Gemini and Blast Corps also to return.

Nothing big was revealed about what Rare actually do have in development, though company spokesman Mr. Pants did say there could be "some conflict between 'old' (not yet updated) and 'new' (available on an MS platform) Rare franchises. Does that mean the likes of PD and Conker are banned from a DS appearance? Not as a hard and fast rule, no."

Check out the article on Rare's official site here.

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