News: Rare put an end to rumours

Rare have dismissed recent rumours that its games would be published by Activision.

In the latest issue of NGC they say they rung up Rare to ask if the recent rumours are true. Rare said the rumours were "a load of old cobblers".

Rumours reached fever pitch this month regarding thealleged aquisition of Goldeneye dewvelopers Rare by American publishers Activivision. The news was so widespread and reportedly so concrete that Tim ended up being interviewed by several trade newspapers on the matter. But just as we susspected, the news was missleading tosh- we contacted Rare to get an official comment and they told us in nocertain terms that it was a load of old 'cobblers'. So there you have it. Not exactly the official comment we were after, but um....well, its a start atleast

Conor :When these rumours first appeared, we at Cube-Europe dismissed them as rubbish. But yet people still seemed to believe them, thank God Rare have finally said what we thought all along. This should put a stop to these ridiculous rumours.

Tim :Finally, Rare scraped it's balls together to deny all the rumours flying around on the net. We can now finally move one and leave this fuss behind us :)

Thanks to forum member Drunken Squirrel for the heads-up!

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