News: Raven Shield Cubed!

Already announced for PC and Xbox, Rainbow Six: Raven Shield will also be coming to PS2 and GameCube!

CVG reported that Rainbow Six: Raven Shield will also be coming to PS2 and GameCube. They were told by lead designer Mike McCoy in an interview. This makes the squad-based tactical shooter the first title to use next-generation Unreal technology that will be heading to all four major gaming platforms.

McCoy went on to hint that the content and gameplay of Raven Shield on PS2 and GameCube will be identical to its PC and Xbox counter-parts, the only difference on all console versions being the switch from keyboard and mouse to controller.

The PC and Xbox versions of Raven Shield are expected around October/November this year, with PS2 and GameCube versions to follow in early 2003.

Source: CVG

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