News: Rayman 3DS-Bound

Posted 01 Jan 2011 at 18:16 by Aaron Clegg
Ubisoft's limbless hero is set to return on Nintendo's spanking new handheld...
While the multi-million-selling Rabids spin-off games continue to steam-roll onto commercial success, the character of Rayman hasn't taken centre-stage in his own game for a few years. Ubisoft will be bringing the limbless hero back to the forefront with Rayman Origins later this year on Playstation Network and Xbox Live Arcade, but Nintendo fans aren't to be left out in the cold.
On the one hand, Ubiosft haven't ruled out bringing Origins to WiiWare, but it seems the publisher are also developing a whole new Rayman title. 'Rayman 3D' has recently popped up on US and Australian ratings boards, and Aussie-Nintendo have confirmed that this title is heading for Nintendo 3DS.
Nothing else is known about Rayman 3D yet; whether it's a remake or whether it's releasing in 2011.
Ubisoft has already announced several other titles for the system, including Assassin's Creed: Lost Legacy and a remake of Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory.