Rayman DS

News: Rayman DS Exclusive Multiplayer

The US and European version might both be released in March 2005, but we'll get something extra...

The German department of Ubi Soft states that the European version of Rayman DS will feature an exclusive multiplayermode. Apart from the information that we're dealing with a 2-playermode, no information was released yet.

In the past, a press release from Ubi Soft already stated that "the European version of Rayman DS will include a multiplayer feature and will take full advantage of the touch-screen technology", however a real exclusive mode was not confirmed.

Update: France adds to the story.
Closer inspection of Ubi Soft France's website showed a little new fact on the European exclusive multiplayer option. According to the French corporate website, Rayman DS needs only one cartridge for up to 4 players multiplayer-fun.

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