News: Rayman Legends Wii U Trailer Leaked

Posted 27 Apr 2012 at 14:16 by Aaron Clegg
Title appears to use extensive NFC use, as well as sport some incredible graphics...
A trailer for a brand new Wii U game has leaked onto the web, and unsurprisingly it comes from Ubisoft.
The game is titled Rayman Legends, and appears to be a sequel to the well-received, stylised 2D platformer Rayman Origins. The trailer details "Wii U exclusive content", suggesting that the game will hit other consoles too.
The Wii U content appears to equate to extensive use of NFC technology. In a similar way to Activision's Skylanders, players can interact with the game world by placing figurines on the controller screen. Figures of Ubisoft's Rabbids creatures and Ezio from Assassin's Creed look to be on-board with this feature.
Online multiplayer and 'social gaming' aspects are also included.
The YouTube stream of the trailer keeps getting removed by Ubisoft, but there's a hopefully-stable stream provided by GameKult which we've embedded below.