News: Rayman Raving Rabbids Update

Posted 28 Jul 2006 at 21:07 by Fierce_Link
Ancel talks about believing in the Wii...and chained cows!
Despite a very dodgy trailer shown for this game, featuring gamers with 'interesting' fashion styles, it appears that Rayman Raving Rabbids is coming along nicely. Head here to check out some new screens for this beauty
The fourth title in the Rayman series, with Michael Ancel at the helm, is looking not only to be the most ambitious Rayman title ever created, but to be one of the "must have" games to own on the Nintendo Wii.
In a surprise turn, it appears that the Wii version of this game is grabbing all the attention. So much so that, in fact, the current and next generation consoles will merely be receiving ports. In a recent interview with Nintendo Power, Ancel stated that: ""We believe in the Wii and building gameplay around the controller." Impressive words, and it appears that Ubisoft and Ancel will be looking to make this Rayman experience vastly different than previous encounters.
Using the capabilities of the Wii-mote, Rayman will be able to perform various actions throughout the game. Aside from the usual movements and motions that Rayman must go through, we found a few "unusual" ones, to say the least... By turning the Wii-mote on its side, players can take control of a Warthog to win a race. Turning the controller left or right will be used for steering, in a control system that is similar to that of ExciteTruck. In another mode, you hold down the B button on the underside of the Wii-mote and swing the controller around. The object of this? To swing chained cows... Great stuff.
The fun doesn't end there either, as Rayman Raving Rabbids will boast an offline four player multiplayer mode. As far as online details go, Ancel had something pretty interesting to say about that. "We're still waiting for more information from Nintendo. We have some ideas that we definitely want to implement; we're just waiting to hear from them to make sure we can do it."
Watch this space.