News: RE4 and Goemon DS Dated

Posted 14 Oct 2004 at 07:37 by Tim Symons
It has been announced by Capcom that it plans in releasing the highly anticipated Resident Evil 4 in Japan next year, January 27th. This is one month later than announced previously by Capcom. Nevertheless, this game is gonna rock so hard... you don't want to know! The European release is still slated for Q1 2005. For our impressions and coverage on the game click here.
Konami has announced that it will release the Japanese version of Mystical Ninja starring Goemon for the Nintendo DS April 2005. For more info on the Nintendo DS and its titles head on over to our games database or check out Wildo's new feature Touch and Go.
A complete worldwide release dates list for the GameCube and Nintendo DS titles can be found in the release dates section.