News: Red Steel 3 Not Announced

Ubisoft has a third Red Steel in production, to set your pulse racing via the Wii Vitality Sensor!

Update: And it looks like the skeptics were unfortunately proven right on this one, with Ubisoft releasing the following official statement:

"It seems that the source of Nintendo Magazine is an interview with Jason misinterpreted by half the web. In short, nothing very serious, and yet, unfortunately, nothing guarantees that there will be a Red Steel 3."

Well there we go. A cruel case of miscommunication dashes our hopes. Almost seemed half-plausible... The original article lies below:

While Ubisoft have yet to release any statement confirming the game's existence, the official Nintendo magazine in France has included a titbit of information about it in the back of their latest issue.

Red Steel 3 is due to be detailed in their next issue, or some time before that by Ubisoft. However one thing is known; it will use the Wii's upcoming Vitality Sensor. This piece of kit was briefly shown at E3 last year and was met with some skepticism. It is worn on the finger and measures your pulse as you play a game, but other than that not much else is known as Nintendo have yet to reveal any details, or unveil any games to make use of it.

Translation: "Red Steel 3 in development. While the second installment has just been released, Ubisoft Montreal confirm the release of a third in the series, compatible with the Vitality Sensor."

More information about the Vitality Sensor may be released alongside news of Red Steel 3, but we'd expect to hear more concrete details, and games that will use it, no later than E3 2010 in July.

Ubisoft have consistently used the Red Steel franchise to experiment with Nintendo's hardware. The first title was a release game for the Wii, while the second chapter makes use of the MotionPlus add-on. In a way the use of the Vitality Sensor shouldn't be a surprise, but we doubt any of us were expecting it!

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