News: Reggie Discusses Wii Price Drop

Posted 04 May 2011 at 21:58 by Ashley Jones
Reggie Fils-Aime has commented on how important the just-announced price drop is for the future of the Nintendo Wii.
Following weeks of speculation Nintendo of America finally confirmed today that the Wii will see a price drop in America on Sunday May 15th. The console will be available to purchase for $150 (�101/�91) and as with Europe it will come with Mario Kart Wii rather than Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort.
Speaking to MSNBC Nintendo of America's President Reggie Fils-Aime commented on just how important the $50 price reduction is for the future of the console. While Nintendo has confirmed that they will showcase the Wii's successor at E3 next month they are to continue support for the current console and hope this price reduction will encourage further sales for the already record-breaking console.
"This is only the second price reduction for Wii hardware since we launched back in November 2006. And in the last home console cycle, the leading system at the time sold almost 50 percent of its volume at a price point of $149 or below."
The console Mr. Fils-Aime is referring to is the Sony PlayStation 2 and Nintendo seem keen to replicate its long successful lifespan. When asked why people may wish to purchase a Wii when a new console is just around the corner Reggie Fils-Aime seemed to acknowledge that a divide in gamers exists, often dubbed the 'hardcore' and 'casual' audiences.
"When we launch our new home system sometime in 2012 we think the consumer buying in will look very different than the consumer who's going to be buying a Wii now. What we've seen in this business it that there are certain consumers who love being first � they have to have the absolute latest hardware � and there are other consumers that are perfectly happy to wait until the game library is much more robust and they have a wider range of options."
It is clear that Nintendo hope a price drop will encourage anyone who has been interested in the Wii to take the plunge and purchase the console. As of yet Nintendo of Europe has yet to announce a price drop for their console, although they did confirm today that just as in America the 'Wii Select' budget range will be released later this month.