News: Reggie Talks Other M Sales Goal

Posted 12 Jun 2009 at 12:03 by Aaron Clegg
Reggie discusses his sales hopes for Nintendo and Team Ninja's joint venture...
Speaking to Gamespot in a video interview, Nintendo of America president, Reggie Fils-Aime set a bold figure for the company's sales expectations of Metroid: Other M. The COO stated that the series was a key franchise for Nintendo, but acknowledged "...since the SNES [Super] Metroid, we haven't broken through in terms of 1.5 - 2 million units. That's our bar. That's the scale that we look at to say on a global basis this is effective".
In related news, the Team Ninja's Yusuke Hayashi has moved to quash fears gamers may have that the game will lose the Metroidey feel.
"First of all, it's not my intent to create a Ninja Gaiden version for Metroid with Other M. Our goal is definitely to use our know-how to our advantage in developing something that is still distinctly Metroid, but has all those qualities that would make it even better than what people would expect. A trailer being a trailer, it's going to have the sequences in it that are more action-packed, maybe a little more violent, but it's not going to be all of this game."
Hayashi went on to promise a playable version of Other M should be ready for the press very soon, so stick around to hear more about this very mysterious title...