News: Reggie Would Love To See GTA Wii

Posted 23 Jul 2008 at 15:08 by Nathan Whincup
The Reggienator says he'd love to see a Grand Theft Auto game on the Wii, but he hasn't spoken to Rockstar about it yet.
There's no denying the potential in Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars for the DS. It was one of the most surprising announcements in the Nintendo conference, even though we've only seen the logo so far.
MTV Multiplayer recently got the chance to talk with the master swordsman himself, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime and questioned him about whether the Grand Theft Auto series stood any chance of coming to the Wii. Here's what he had to say:
You know, a "GTA" on the Wii is all based on what Rockstar and Take Two want to do. And again, from our standpoint, if they build a bottoms-up game that takes advantage of what we do well, I'd love to see it on the platform.
Reggie hasn't actually spoken to Rockstar and Take Two about this yet, however, so hold tight, GTA fans.