News: Reggie's New Year Revolution Resolutions

The one and only Reggie Fils-Aime makes some promises for the upcoming year - it seems Nintendo will be kicking more ass and taking more names than ever before...

Speaking to, the Executive VP of Sales and Marketing said several interesting things concerning the next year for Nintendo. Firstly, he revealed that the Revolution would cost "less than $300" (�170 or �250).

He promised that Nintendo would "sell more units than [the] Xbox 360 did here in the United States in our launch window," before going on to reveal that in December, the company "sold more GameCubes in the United States than Microsoft sold 360s." An astonishing fact, even considering Microsoft's woeful supply problems. And Revolution will do better than that, Reggie assured.

When asked what the launch line-up would be, he didn't mention any specific titles (Metroid Prime 3 or Smash Bros., anyone?) he just said that Nintendo would be showing "a lot of titles at this year's E3, and we think that's where consumers will get a flavor for the full range of titles and the full range of activity that we will have for our launch window."

As well as Nintendo's "huge luxury" of having quality franchises to draw upon at launch, he also commented the company was working on new franchises. "Our first-party lineup will be better than our competition. We're also getting strong third-party support," he said.

So how will the future pan out for Nintendo? Reggie concluded with the following:

The fact is this: On a worldwide basis in the home console area, we are the No. 2 player. Here in the United States, if you look at today, we are the No. 3 player, so I understand where the perception comes from that we are not doing as well in the home console market as we are in the handheld business where we dominate worldwide.

Our focus for Nintendo Revolution is to provide real meaningful differentiators versus our competition, and we believe that is what will drive our success. First, focusing on a single-minded gaming device. Second, bringing real innovation to the controller in the way consumers play the game. Third, a value orientation that certainly is not present with our competitors. And fourth, leveraging the power of our library with the virtual consoles.

Will Reggie end up keeping his New Year's resolutions for the company? Only time will tell...

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