News: Renegade Kid Wii Game Is Dracula

Posted 28 Oct 2008 at 19:22 by Nathan Whincup
Exclusive: Renegade Kid have confirmed in an interview with N-Europe that their upcoming Wii project is based on Dracula.
Renegade Kid, the survival horror developers best known for the sublime Dementium: The Ward on the DS and the upcoming portable sci-fi horror FPS Moon, have confirmed to N-Europe that their upcoming Wii project will indeed be based on the legend of Vlad the Impaler - more commonly known as Count Dracula.
Here's an excerpt from a recent interview we conducted with Renegade Kid's Jools Watsham...
N-Europe: We know you're currently developing a mysterious Wii title based on a famous horror icon. The bats and the silhouette in the teaser image seem to suggest that said icon will be the infamous vampire, Count Dracula. GameSetWatch also ran a rumour that your project is entitled Son of the Dragon, which translates into Romanian as Dracula. Our question to you is this: is the game based on Dracula?Jools Watsham: Yes.
Short but sweet. Be sure to check back on N-Europe later when we'll be running the rest of our in-depth interview with Mr. Watsham, and revealing a lot more about Moon, Dementium and other topics.