News: Resident Evil 4 DVD

Posted 18 Sep 2004 at 22:41 by Ashley Jones
Don't games companies love annoying us? They make great games we all want, so to make us want them more they give us DVDs showing us footage until we can't wait any longer.
With the gore fest whose release date is getting gradually closer and closer comes the pre-order info we all want to hear. Well as long as you live in the good old US of A that is. If you pre-order your copy of Resident Evil 4 you will get a free "Making of Resident Evil 4" DVD, but there is a catch.
As long as you pre-order your copy from Electronics Boutique you will get this exciting little freebie. Now that may be a little harsh for us Europeans to hear, but lets hope, nay lets pray to the gaming gods for more free stuff over here, including this fun little behind the scenes.
Written by: Mike Wilson