Resident Evil Zero (Wii)

News: Resident Evil Classics Heading Westside

Capcom are to release a 'new' line of Resident Evil classics on Wii at a budget price...

As if the announcement of a brand new game wasn't enough to please Resi fans, Capcom have outlined plans to bring more titles onto Wii in the US.

Kicking off their Resident Evil Classics brand, the publisher will release Wii-enhanced ports of the Gamecube remake of Resident Evil and cult favourite Resident Evil Zero. Both these games have already been re-released as Wii titles in Japan, but sales were not expected to approach the 100,000+ figure each one did.

Capcom have confirmed both Wiimakes for a US release this year at a budget price of $30. No PAL release has been set down, but expect that one will be announced soon.

As a Wii gamer, are you happy with Capcom's Resident Evil titles on Nintendo's system?

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