News: Resident Evil Coming To Wii

Posted 24 Sep 2008 at 09:26 by Aaron Clegg
Capcom will be bringing Wii owners a Christmas treat, with a certain zombie-horror game not yet seen on Nintendo's system. But is it the Resi we've been waiting for?
Short answer? Probably not. The latest Famitsu reports that the Japan-only Wii port of Resident Evil: 0 will be followed by the Japan-only Wii port of the Gamecube's popular remake of the original Resident Evil.
This iteration is once again allegedly just a straight port of the Cube REmake, and will even support Gamecube controller input. For the more gesture-inclined amongst us though, the game will also take use of some waggling - such as when drawing guns.
Resident Evil on Wii is due to infect Japan on December 25th, and is not expected to spread abroad, but stick with N-E to see if that changes.
Thanks to private-eye forumite Darkspine S for the info.